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About Araya Piano Studio
Araya Piano Studio was founded in 1985 in Denton, Texas, the United States. Now the studio is
in Setagaya, Tokyo, Japan.
Araya Piano Studio emphasizes especially for sight reading in all levels. In order to enjoy
music, a good sight reading skill is a must.
Lessons are offered to those who from age 7 to adults in any level and musical background.
Before starting piano lessons, a New Student Interview Session is held either at your home or
at Araya Piano Studio at no charge and with no obligation. At the interview session, your
questions will be answered and the Studio Policy will be explained. Teacher will give
evaluation to the new students and will tell how lessons will go and which text boos are needed.
New Student Interview Session will take about one hour.
Lessons may include, Music Theory, Rhythm Training, Ear Training, Sight Reading, Melody
Harmonization, Hymn reading, Special preparations to Theory Examinations, Special
preparations to piano competitions, Special preparations to a college entrance.
Araya Piano Studio gives student concerts twice a year, usually in April and in November.
Teacher performs at the concerts.